How to choose a Small Business Phone System with Auto Attendant

In today's highly connected business world, having a reliable and efficient phone system is crucial for small businesses to effectively manage their communications and provide a professional image to their customers. One essential feature that can greatly enhance small business phone systems is an auto attendant. In this article, we will explore the top features to look for in a small business phone system with auto attendant and what you should consider when searching for a new system.

How to choose a Small Business Phone System with Auto Attendant

Features to consider:

Customisable Greetings:

A robust auto attendant feature should allow businesses to create personalised and professional greetings for callers. Look for a phone system that offers customisable greetings, enabling you to record or upload tailored messages that align with your brand voice and provide a warm and welcoming experience for callers.


Advanced Call Routing:

This is a crucial feature to ensure that your incoming calls are being routed to the correct department within your company. You should make sure that the phone system you settle on has advanced call routing capabilities such as forwarding and call queuing. These features help optimise call flow, minimise wait times, and ensure that every call is handled promptly and efficiently.


Voicemail Management:

An auto attendant should seamlessly integrate with voicemail management to enhance productivity and customer service. Look for a phone system that offers features like voicemail-to-email, allowing you to receive voicemails directly in your email inbox for easy access and quick response. Additionally, consider systems that offer voicemail transcription or visual voicemail, enabling you to review and respond to messages more effectively.


Integration with Business Tools:

To streamline workflows and improve productivity, choose a small business phone system that integrates smoothly with your existing business tools. Look for options that integrate with customer relationship management (CRM) software, allowing you to access caller information, call history, and other relevant data to provide a personalised and efficient service.


Scalability and Flexibility:

As your small business expands, your communication requirements may change. You need to ensure that you choose a phone system that has easy scalability features. Ensure the system allows easy configuration changes, such as adding extensions, modifying call flows, or adjusting greetings, without the need for extensive technical expertise or additional costs.


3CX: A Reliable Option for Small Business Phone Systems with Auto Attendant:

When considering a small business phone system with an auto attendant, the 3CX phone system emerges as a reliable and feature-rich solution. With its intuitive interface, customisable greetings, advanced call routing capabilities, seamless voicemail management, and integration options, 3CX offers a comprehensive package for small businesses seeking an efficient and effective phone system. 3CX is a very malleable system that can be changed in an instant to suit your requirements. There are also constant updates that ensure that your company is future-proof in regard to the latest telecommunication technology.


How much will it cost?

The cost of a small business phone system with an auto attendant can vary depending on factors such as features, scalability, and the number of users. Generally, prices can range from around £5 per user, all the way up to £40. There are potentially other costs that come into play, such as hardware and support costs. A lot of providers give you the opportunity to spread the cost of hardware across the term of the contract, rather than having to fork out a huge amount right away.

Let's assume a price of £20 per user for business phone systems. For a business that requires 10 users, the estimated cost would be around £200 per month. This would cover the phone system setup, user licenses, and ongoing support. On the other hand, a business with 50 users would have an estimated cost of approximately £1,000 per month. It's important to note that these figures are general estimates and may vary based on specific provider pricing and any additional services required. Assessing your business's size and communication needs will help you determine the most accurate cost estimate for your small business phone system with an auto attendant.


Investing in a small business phone system with auto attendant can significantly enhance your communication capabilities, improve customer experiences, and streamline your operations. By considering the top features mentioned above, you can choose a solution that aligns with your business needs and delivers the desired results. Remember, selecting a reliable and feature-rich phone system like 3CX can provide your small business with the necessary tools to effectively manage incoming calls, provide excellent customer service, and boost productivity. Make an informed decision and empower your business with a robust phone system that incorporates an advanced auto attendant feature.

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